This scuba foam coolie insulates and absorbs condensation, while making your brand look good. The open bottom allows it to fit an assortment of heightsfoam
Material: Scuba Foam
Standard Decoration Includes: 1 Color, 1 Location
All Available Decoration Options:
Printed: 3" W x 3" H Front
: 3" W x 3" H Back
Standard Packaging: Bulk
Tags: Coolers, Coozies, Coozy, Cozies, Cupholders, Foams, Foamy, Holders, Huggers, Huggies, Koolers, Koozy, Kozy, Insulators, Koolie, Koolies, Koozi, Kozies, Dry, Drink,
Product Size
4" W x 4-1/2" H
Country of Manufacture
United States